APA Education Accreditation Committee

Standards and Forms

Important Reminder

The notice of intent to seek accreditation or reaccreditation and the accompanying self-evaluation and inspection form must be submitted at least six (6) months prior to the start of the basic course that will be subject to the on-site evaluation (inspection).  If the proper paperwork is not submitted at least six month prior to the start of the course, the program will need to seek a waiver of the six-month notice standard before the paperwork can be processed.  Waivers will only be granted in those very limited circumstances that make compliance with a standard unreasonably difficult or impossible for a program; they are not intended, nor will they be granted, when the standard for which a waiver is sought could have been met with better planning. 

How to Download Documents

Click on the names of the documents below to open them.  (The bolded, underlined document names are hyperlinks to the respective documents.)  Once opened, the option to download will appear.  Alternatively, you should be able to right-click on a hyperlink and then select "Save As" in the popup menu.  Be sure to save the document to a location on your computer where you can easily find it.  If you have any questions or problems, contact the EAC for assistance.

How to Fill Out Forms

The forms are all in PDF format.  PDF is designed to work across operating systems.  Many of the forms here use JavaScript® coding to make them work correctly.  Therefore, they must be filled out using a PDF reader capable of running the code.  Most word processing programs cannot run JavaScript®, so they will not work correctly and should not be used.  Many free readers are available, and Adobe Acrobat Reader is probably the most popular.  It is free and can be downloaded from Adobe here.  Whatever you choose, be sure to complete the forms using a proper PDF reader or software program.  DO NOT FILL OUT THE FORMS BY HAND.  Submit only original (filled out) forms: DO NOT SUBMIT SCANNED COPIES OF FORMS.  All forms and submitted documents must be in English.  (If a document is in a language other than English,  include the original along with a copy in English.)  

Initiate & Apply for Accreditation or Reaccreditation

APA Accreditation Standards 2.07 [effective 03-01-2024]

Notice of Intent to Seek or Renew Accreditation [UPDATED 07022018]

Self-evaluation and Inspection Form [UPDATED 03052020] [for reaccreditation only]

Note: As of March 1, 2024, the self-evaluation and inspection form above is for currently accredited programs seeking reaccreditation. If you are a new program seeking initial accreditation, or your accreditation has lapsed, contact the EAC for instructions on how to initiate the process.

Faculty Certification Polygraph Instructor (05012018)

Note: The application for accreditation cannot be filed until the EAC tentatively approves the self-evaluation and inspection form.

Application for Accreditation (05142024)

Notice of Substantive Change

Notice of Substantive Change

Annual Reporting

Annual Report & Evaluation (Combined) for 2020 [Due in 2021]

Annual Report & Evaluation (Combined) for 2021 [Due in 2022]

Annual Report & Evaluation (Combined) for 2022 [Due in 2023]

Annual Report & Evaluation (Combined) for 2023 [Due in 2024]

Annual Report & Evaluation (Combined) for 2024 [Due in 2025]

Note: Since 2020, the reports use a Google form. To access a form, you will need to sign in with your Google account (preferably, the one you use to access the school directors' Google group).

Waiver Form

Note: Waiver requests should be rare, and therefore they will only be granted only for compelling reasons outside the control of the program.   Failure to file paperwork according to the deadlines set in the standards will generally not be viewed as outside the control of a program, so please ensure all filings are timely. 

Please also note that a traditional polygraph program must apply for and receive a waiver to allow a student to complete the basic course beyond the 17-week maximum time-period.  Standard ("Under certain extenuating circumstances, a student may be allowed to finish the missed portions of the program within a 12-month period from the initial start of their education and training") only sets the maximum time period for which a waiver may be authorized.

APA EAC Waiver Request Form (01222020)

PCSOT Program of Instruction Approval Process

The PCSOT Committee is responsible for making PCSOT-related policy recommendations to the APA Board of Directors (BOD). On August 30, 2024, the BOD approved the PCSOT Committee's recommended PCSOT Program of Instruction (POI) Approval Process policy. Questions about the policy itself should be directed to the PCSOT Committee. The EAC is tasked only with administering the policy as concerns the processing of requests for recognition/approval of a PCSOT POI and a PCSOT instructor affiliated with a POI. The APA does not accredit PCSOT POIs or instructors. The approval process for a PCSOT POI is separate and distinct from the accreditation process for a basic polygraph education and training program.

PCSOT POIs are conducted by independent PCSOT POI providers as well as polygraph schools that house APA-accredited basic polygraph education and training programs. For convenience, the policy is provided here:

Policy: PCSOT Program of Instruction Approval Process (Approved 08/30/2024)

Credential Evaluations

The EAC does not conduct credential evaluations of academic credentials received from non-U.S. institutions. Forms to request such evaluations are available from the various credential evaluation services the APA recognizes. The APA recognizes any member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). For a list of members and links to their respective websites, go to the members page of the NACES website.

The APA is a member of the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA), and the APA / EAC adheres to its Code of Good Practice.  For information about ASPA and programmatic accreditation, visit ASPA on the web

The EAC is a standing committee within the American Polygraph Association.